Flock School 2022 at AIGLE MACCHINE SRL in Turin / Italy
The Flock School 2022 took place from 22-23 September at our member AIGLE Macchine SRL in Turin / Italy. We were happy to be in Italy for the first time with the Flock School at AIGLE. 16 participants from Europe and Canada attended. The first day of the training was dedicated to the theory "all about flock". The speakers from the fields of flock production (Klaus Schreiber / Velutex Flock S.A.), adhesives (Thomas Starsetzki / Kissel & Wolf GmbH), flocking machines (Alberto Sadun / Aigle Macchine SRL) and flocking processes presented their extensive knowledge to the participants in interesting lectures.
In the evening, the participants and speakers had dinner together and exchanged their knowledge. There was plenty of room for "networking", getting to know each other and talking shop.
On the second day, the participants went into practice at AIGLE Macchine SRL. The flocking of various materials was demonstrated and tried out. As a highlight, each participant was allowed to flock their own participant certificate. This was great fun for everyone! After a joint lunch, a very successful Flock School closed with enthusiastic participants and instructors. It showed once again how extensive the topic "flock" is and that this important training in the association can give very extensive knowledge for people interested in flock, new employees and customers.
We would like to thank our member AIGLE Macchine SRL for allowing us to host the Flock School 2022.